Hormonal balance is the key. Research has long shown that fluctuating levels of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone play a major role in a woman´s overall health.

Female hormone imbalances can affect:

  • Menstrual cycle
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep patterns
  • Appetite level
  • Sex drive

Chronic female hormonal imbalances are implicated in disorders such as:

  • PMS
  • Anovulation
  • Infertility
  • Breast cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovary Disease
  • Osteoporosis

Saliva hormone testing provides a thorough analysis of key reproductive hormones over a full menstrual cycle. By utilizing 11 saliva samples for analysis, the relationship and balance of these essential hormones are analyzed and graphed more precisely through time.

Unlike serum measurements that typically reflect both bound and unbound fractions of hormones, salivary samples represent only the free (unbound) bioavailable fraction of hormone. Factors that affect binding globulin such as obesity and thyroid function do not influence test results with false high or low test levels.

An analysis of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can reveal ovulatory function and trends in hormone production. Hormonal imbalances such as unopposed estrogen, high follicular progesterone, anovulation and luteal phase defects are easily identified. This hormone test is especially useful in treatment of patients with chronic gynecologic disorders.

Testing reproductive hormones during peri and post-menopause is also important and available.

Male Hormone Profile

Historically, age-related male hormone changes have not been considered problematic, because fertility in men persists until an advance age.  More careful evaluation in males, however, shows progressive age-related changes  that can impact over-all health and longevity including:

• Decreases vigor or low energy
• Decreased libido
• Insomnia
• Nervousness and depression
• Decreased muscle mass
• Hair loss
• Erectile dysfunction
• Prostate problems

Adapted from: https://www.gdx.net/product/rhythm-hormone-test-saliva